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"Thank you for your donation. I love it." - Ryker
By donating on this website, we save ~8% in fees charged by Go Fund Me. So, please use this website.
"Thank you for your donation. I love it." - Ryker
Let's face it. It is all about Family. But what is amazing is, Ryker inherently knew that since he could communicate. He is quick to make sure everyone is introduced and made "family" when they walk into the room.
There is no hiding what is on Ryker's mind. His face tells it all. Sometimes, his mouth too...
Ryker loves to get out. He runs and falls in the grass. He runs to go from one room to the other. Most of the time, he likes to look down to see how fast the floor is passing him by, but tends to forget to look where he is going. Ryker is a swimmer, runner, hiker, biker, and skateboarder.